Family Real Estate School

Course Selection

School Policies & Disclosures

Prior to enrolling in the indicated class to the left, the student has read, understands and agrees to the following school policies:

  1. A student missing FREC-required hours will be required to makeup the additional hours in a class offered by the school.
  2. Tuition balances are due & payable prior to participation in class.
  3. No smoking is permitted in the classroom.
  4. Proper attire is required. Clean, neat, casual or dressy casual, sporty (i.e. golf) and/or professional attire is welcome.  Cut-off shorts, tank tops and very "revealing" attire is not permitted.  Remember, real estate is a profession...dress accordingly!
  5. All cell phones and pagers MUST be turned OFF or MUTE (not "Vibrate") in classroom when class is being held.  Cell phones shall NOT be answered in the classroom during class time.  Violators are subject to having cell phone collected for duration of class segment; phone shall be returned to student at next class break.
  6. Instructors may not recruit students during classroom hours. Should an instructor attempt to recruit during classroom hours, this violation should be reported to the Director of the Family Real Estate School & the State.
  7. No school is permitted to guarantee passing.  In the unlikely event that a student should fail the end of the course final examination, the student may take the same course indicated on this form within 1 year from the initial class finish date at no additional charge.
  8. Should the school cancel a class, the student has the right to request a refund or simply transfer any tuition paid to the next class offered by the school. Refund requests should be in writing and delivered via mail, fax or e-mail.
  9. No recording devices of any kind are permitted in the classroom.
  10. Professional decorum & respectful behavior is required in all classes.  Instructors reserve the right to terminate a disruptive or aggressively argumentative student from the class with no refund being issued.


I understand and agree to abide by the policies above. 
(To be signed at first class)

Signature:   _________________________________________

Date:            __________________